You have 14 days from the day you received our item to organize a return. In order to do so, you can visit our Return & Exchange page and follow the simple instructions. Keep in mind that our Customer Service team will need to have photographic evidence of the product in the exact conditions it is before shipping it out.
Our Customer Service team will review your request (along with provided images), and process it. This entire process can take up to 3 to 5 working days, for both exchange and refund return requests.
Returned Products should be sent back to us in their original condition, together with the original packaging and all tags.
All Products are inspected on return. When trying on, please be careful with the Product (e.g. don’t apply excessive force when pulling ) and don’t wear products that could mark or scent a Product (such as make-up, fake-tan).
Returned Products must be unworn and unwashed.
Please keep your orders separate as returning more than one order in a parcel, it may cause a delay to your refund.
We will not accept returned Products that show any signs of having been worn or washed, including where the Products are stained or otherwise marked or damaged.
If a Product is returned to us that has been worn, used, damaged, or is otherwise in an unsaleable condition, we reserve the right to refuse your refund. Alternatively, we reserve the right to reduce your refund value to reflect any reduction in the value of a Product.